The visualization design services I offer

The following are the primary visualization design services I offer:

  • Creative direction: Helping clients to develop a vision of the end product, in its most ideal form, then creating a plan by which to achieve it
  • Storyboard design: I have long experience in developing storyboards for live-action and 2D/3D animated presentations, for advertising and educational applications, but as of 2024 am working to begin working in the VR realm [examples here]
  • Infographic design: I am best-known for my ability to convert complex and controversial information and perspectives into still-frame visualizations, for litigation media, corporate communications projects, advocacy campaigns, and investigative journalism [examples here]
  • Branding: I can help develop the visual and verbal framing by which to brand projects [examples here]

Contact me to discuss if I might help advance your mission-critical projects.

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