Advocacy media services

The following are the primary advocacy media services I offer:

  • Creative direction: Helping clients to develop a vision of the end product, in its most ideal form, then creating a plan by which to achieve it
  • Visualization design & direction: Converting complex and controversial data and arguments into visual formats that the target audience can understand, up to and including 2D/3D animation and VR storyboards
  • Executive message-crafting: Helping organizational leaders to better analyze and understand difficult situations, and develop principled, polished, evidence-based public and internal statements concerning them
  • Strategic writing: Helping to develop the key verbiage and messaging structures for mission-critical projects, including crisis management and rapid-response media
  • Video writing-design-direction: Developing the conceptual, verbal and visual framework for videos that have impact, and in select instances, directing the project though completion
  • Branding: Creating instantly-recognizable visual and verbal framing for organizations, products and services
  • Developing original TV/streaming and film projects: I recently wrote my first motion picture, and have developed the concepts for eight TV/streaming shows, all of which are conceived from the ground up to explain and champion freedom, and rational human behavior, in original ways
  • User interface design: I started my career designing interfaces for early CD-ROM interactive skills-training applications, and since then have worked in a variety of realms

Contact me to discuss how I might help advance your mission-critical projects.

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